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1. Filter
In the overview on the left, you can first filter by objective.
2. Preview
Clicking on the desired method tile will take you to the subpage with the short summary.
3. Download
Have you found a suitable method for your teaching? Then you can directly download a detailed step-by-step guide and worksheets for students as a PDF by clicking on the button “Download method”.
4. Teach!
The step-by-step instructions from the PDF enable you to easily integrate the method into your teaching without any prior knowledge. Have fun!
Methods for entrepreneurial thinking and action in teaching
An uncertain future requires entrepreneurial thinkers:
Visionaries who can imagine, adapt and act quickly to meet future challenges. Entrepreneurship.tools provides lecturers with teaching methods that help students navigate this uncertain future and contribute to society as active citizens in the globalized world!
Whether with or without prior knowledge in the field of entrepreneurship education: On this page you will find a free collection of didactic methods that you as a teacher can integrate into your teaching. You will find an overview of the methods in the toolbox. Have fun discovering!
Program Planning
Inquiry Cycle
Situative Coaching
EntreComp - EU
EntreComp - EU
Future Skills - World Citizen School
Future Skills - World Citizen School
Impact Business Model Canvas
Impact Business Model Canvas
Knowledge Corridor
Knowledge Corridor
My House of Opportunities
My House of Opportunities
My Project Board
My Project Board
Reflective Questions
Reflective Questions
Spaghetti Tower
Spaghetti Tower
User Customer Canvas
User Customer Canvas
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- World Citizen Alliance e.V.
- World Citizen School Alliance e.V.
- World Citizen School Tübingen
- Worldcitizen School
25.10.2024Begegnung auf Augenhöhesoziales Engagement