About us
This website is an open educational resource (OER) of the World Citizen School Alliance Association for entrepreneurship teachers in their role as coaches as well as for their students and their teams. The translation of the website also serves to promote the international discourse on entrepreneurship education and its methods. Via online workshops on entrepreneurship tools, the international dialog between teachers is strengthened by the World Citizen School Association.
The Entrepreneurship Toolbox is the result of an activity within the project “The Moroccan Entrepreneurial University Initiative” (MUNIE), especially in the cooperation of the University of Koblenz-Landau and the University of Tübingen. MUNIE is supported by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
The starting point of this toolbox was the translation of the German website www.entrepreneurship-toolbox.com, based on the work of Johanna Ebeling, into English and French. This preliminary work was supplemented with a didactic phase model for course development based on the so-called Inquiry Cycle. This should make it easier for teachers to plan their lessons. Furthermore, the previous entrepreneurial competencies have been replaced by the EntreComp competency framework of the European Union. As an additional competence framework, the discourse on so-called Future Skills, as applied e.g. by the World Citizen School in social-innovative learning programs, was included.
Our understanding of entrepreneurship education
We live in a rapidly changing world society where it is essential that everyone has the capacity to act upon opportunities and ideas, to work with others, to manage dynamic careers, and to shape the future for the common good. To achieve these goals we need people, teams and organisations with an entrepreneurial mindset, in every aspect of life.
In this sense, we understand entrepreneurship education as an educational practice that
- empowers people in their participation in civil society, their engagement and their capacity for discourse as critical and active citizens,
- strengthens personal responsibility, initiative, innovativeness, creativity, risk-taking, and self-confidence,
- supports people in developing and implementing their own ideas for personal and professional independence,
- promotes a culture of self-reliance and openness as well as social caring in daily interactions,
- strengthens social learning and value-oriented working in communities, teams, initiatives and start-ups.
We understand “learning individuals” and “learning organisations” as the basic principle of entrepreneurial thinking and acting. Accordingly, we understand this toolbox as a “learning project”, which we are constantly developing further in dialogue with the users and our lecturer network.
University of Koblenz-Landau
The University of Koblenz-Landau is a young, medium-sized university. It emerged from a university of education in 1990. Research and teaching are now oriented towards three interlinked, interdisciplinary profile areas: “Education”, “People” and “Environment”.
Within the state of Rheinland-Pfalz, the university plays an outstanding role in educational sciences and teacher training. It is the only university in the state to offer teacher training courses for all types of schools.
Eberhard Karls University Tuebingen
Innovative. Interdisciplinary. International. – These three words sum up what makes the University of Tübingen a top university. Because we see it as our responsibility to find solutions for the challenges of the future in a globalised society through excellent research and teaching. With around 200 degree programs, the University of Tübingen offers a wide range of subjects.
Sponsored by
German Academic Exchange Service
The DAAD is the world’s largest funding organisation for the international exchange of students and academics.
Since its founding in 1925, the DAAD has supported around 2.6 million academics at home and abroad. As an association, it is supported by German universities and student bodies. Its activities go far beyond awarding scholarships: the DAAD promotes the internationalisation of German universities, strengthens German studies and the German language abroad, supports developing countries in establishing efficient universities and advises decision-makers in education, foreign science and development policy.
Hosted by
World Citizen School Alliance e.V.
The World Citizen School Alliance e.V. strengthens value-oriented, self-responsible and globally responsible engagement in education, business and civil society.
The association carries out pioneering development work, e.g. in the field of Global Citizenship Education, Social Innovation Education, Entrepreneurship Education and value-based learning for the promotion of (world) civic engagement.
The research projects and learning opportunities systematically promote self- and world-effective learning in communities. The vision is to establish “learning through responsibility” as a learning paradigm for the world society.
The association emerged from the pilot project “World Citizen School” at the Global Ethic Institute of the University of Tübingen, which is used as a model in various universities, network organizations, hubs, real labs and engagement support centers.
Member of
Social Entrepreneurship Network Germany
SEND e.V. is the umbrella organization for social entrepreneurship in Germany. The association follows the guiding principle of #GemeinsamWirken: The transformation to a more sustainable economy and society can only succeed together with many other, public and private, institutions and actors. The association therefore develops alliances and cooperations between business, welfare, science and politics.
As World Citizen School – Alliance e.V., we have been a member of SEND since 2018. There we are particularly involved in the field of Social Innovation Education / Social Entrepreneurship Education.